NHS North East Lincs Talking Therapies

NAViGO Health and Social Care

NAViGO - Talking Therapies

We offer a range of therapies aimed at helping you to deal with stress, anxiety or depression. We offer access to treatments that can help you to maintain positive mental health and wellbeing. As well as stress, anxiety and depression, we also help you to better understand and manage other conditions, like PTSD, OCD, panic attacks and sleep problems.
Our friendly practitioners can support you in person at NAViGO House, but we offer a range of virtual alternatives too, including online courses. The treatment you receive will depend on your symptoms and personal goals and we’ll work with you to find the best option.

Patient must be at least 16 yrs old, and registered with a GP in North East Lincolnshire. After the form has been processed, patients will be given an appointment with a clinician to talk about the problems they are experiencing, and ways of coping for the future.

Based at NAViGO House, 3 - 7 Brighowgate, Grimsby, DN32 0QE

For help and support, please call 01472 583000 or visit the website.
You can also make a self-referral using this form.

Contact details

Organisation NAViGO Health and Social Care
Address NAViGO House, 3 - 7 Brighowgate, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 0QE, United Kingdom
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