Corrective Pelvic Floor and Core Course

The Canopy Community Hub

Corrective Pelvic Floor and Core Course

Ladies, do you need help? You're not alone! Practice, learn and laugh as we work through specific exercise routines together. You'll receive ongoing access to recap all course content even after the 6 sessions - exercises you can easily repeat at home. Improve leaking, rectify diastasis recti (ab separation), help prolapse and hip/back pain.

Course is priced at £70.00.

Wednesday, 1pm
Based at The Canopy Community Hub, Grant Thorold Park, Durban Road, Grimsby, DN32 8BA

For further information or to book on please contact Charlotte Brown on 07917 787602

Contact details

Organisation The Canopy Community Hub
Address The Canopy, Grant Thorold Park, Durban Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 8BA, United Kingdom
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