Lincolnshire Rape Crisis

Lincolnshire Rape Crisis

We Are Here For You

We support people of all genders and ages who live or work in Lincolnshire, who have been affected by any form of sexual violence at any point in their lives and are willing to engage in support/therapy relating to these experiences. This includes:
- Rape
- Sexual assault
- Sexual abuse
- Incest
- Sexual domestic violence
- Female genital mutilation
- Ritual abuse
- Forced marriage
- Crimes in the name of honour
- Sexual intimidation
- Coercion or harassment (physical or verbal)

We provide support and information for survivors. We listen and believe. We support survivors to explore their thoughts, feelings and options. We are here to listen. We do not advise, direct or persuade survivors to take any particular course of action. We believe the survivor is the best person to decide what is right for them, and we will support whatever they decide. 

Lincolnshire Rape Crisis works with all genders, and is a feminist and anti-racist organisation. We also support the friends and family of people affected by sexual violence. 

The support line is open Wednesday, 9.30am - 11.30am, and Thursday, 2.30pm - 4.30pm.

For further information, help and support, please call 08003 345500.

You can also email (you will get a response within 5 working days). 

Contact details

Organisation Lincolnshire Rape Crisis
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