The Health Visiting service is available to all families in North East Lincolnshire who are expecting a baby, have a new born, or a child up to 5 yrs: - Antenatal appointment (offered to you from 28 weeks pregnant, you'll meet your health visitor who will talk about our service and preparing for your baby's arrival) - New birth visit (your health visitor will come to your home when your baby is 10 - 14 days old - you can ask any questions about talk about your first weeks with your new baby) - Postnatal contact (your health visitor will come to your home again 6 - 8 weeks after birth and will review your baby's development and ask about your wellbeing)
- Health review (appointments at 9 - 12 months and 2 - 2.5 yrs to check up on your child's development, growth and overall wellbeing)